There is no denying the immense scale of the mobile application marketplace. While there are countless developers, companies and others vying to stake their claim, it is by no means any small undertaking. There are many hurdles to overcome and pieces to the puzzle along the road in launching a successful mobile app. Here at AppVested, we believe we’ve assembled the perfect model that will allow us to do just that. By carefully filtering through AppIdeas presented to us by the very folks who will be using them, the everyday consumer, we feel we have a head start in bringing only the most opportune concepts to market.
Using our multi-faceted AppValuation process, we are able to determine with greater probability the app ideas/concepts that will have a lasting impression and increased odds for generating substantial revenue. Once we have identified what we consider to be a legitimate contender, we create an offering on our platform for savvy investors (AppVestors) to fund in exchange for equity in the application. Once funded, AppVested will develop, strategically market and launch each app
By bridging the gap between the two enormous verticals that are the mobile app and equity-based crowdfunding spaces, we are able to overcome the first major obstacle that many developers face of raising enough working capital needed to properly compete in a crowded marketplace.
When AppVested co-founders Matthew Worsman and Jeff Brokaw began researching the viability of the concept behind the AppVested business model, they started by researching both the mobile application and equity crowdfunding markets. The numbers and potential for growth they identified for each respective category was nothing short of astonishing. We would like to share some of the numbers we’ve compiled in this handy info-graphic that outlines just how both categories are performing and the vast potential that bridging these two markets could offer AppVestors looking to invest in mobile apps.
Between the mobile-internet and equity crowdfunding markets we are looking at close to $7.3 trillion dollars in economic value per year by 2025. To put that into perspective, if you add up the revenue generated in 2014 by Wal-Mart, Shell, BP, Exxon Mobile, Volkswagen, Toyota, Samsung, Apple, Ford, General Motors and General Electric you are looking at $3.8 trillion dollars, or just over half of what these two markets will do in a few short years.